
World Hum Acquired by Travel Channel

Congratulations to Hop Studios’ client World Hum, who recently (OK, fine, in late May) announced some great business news.  They have been acquired by the Travel Channel!

We’ve talked about World Hum’s development in the past, such as their relaunch in June 2005. But we’re especially happy about this latest milestone on their journey from being a labor of love, to being a more and more widely read travel writing site, to what they’ve become now.

The process of getting bought was interesting from our point of view.  The investors, anonymous to us at the time, asked Hop Studios all sorts of technical questions about the site’s underpinnings and organization.  We’re glad for World Hum’s sake that they’d chosen to build with a robust and flexible publishing system, one that not only made it possible for them to publish quickly and efficiently, but one that evidently added value when it came to for their site to be appraised.

As I’m sure owners Jim and Michael would tell you, it’s not about the destination, it’s about the journey—and World Hum’s writers have not only had an interesting journey, they also have a lot more road ahead. We look forward to traveling with them as we continue to explore what it takes to be a premier media site.


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