
We Won A Webby!

We won a Webby!

Well, kinda.  Some time between the first announcement of the nominations and the revealing of the awards today, we at Hop Studios started feeling like we were the ones nominated.  Growing excitement and kudos coming in and all that.  And it felt very nice to be nominated, so we sort of went with it.  Then there was the people’s voice awards, which meant we had to ask our friends to come show their support for Truthdig—which they did.  And it was all very nice.

But this morning, after being awoken by a very excited call from Zuade, the publisher of Truthdig, we realized that in fact, while we might have built the Truthdig site, we weren’t the ones who have posted more than 40 podcasts, 80 newsletters, 5,000 articles, 11,000 pictures, or 60,000 comments.

So, while we don’t mind being mistaken for having won both a 2007 Webby Award and a 2007 People’s Voice Award for best policitcal blog, the truth is, the award goes to the hard workers at Truthdig, who richly deserve it.

Update: Zuade writes this to us: “Your grasp of the Web and your talent at design have transformed Truthdig into a truly accessible site—not an easy task considering the complexity of the subject matter. Thank you for your part in making us a 2007 Webby Award winner.” Thanks, Zuade!


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