
Truthdig Needs Those Stinking Badges

The infestation started on blogs, and spread across the internet like diamonds on Elton John’s costumes: tiny icons first spotting the collar line of blog posts, soon shining from the tails of news sites. Now they grace the prestigious brow of, in elegant dropdown form.

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Aggregator sites, those giants of The Web We Call 2.0, have developed these badges as tiny outposts of imperialistic intent. On a basic level each icon is a trigger for the functions of its parent site, and the plethora exists so that you can pick your favorite flavor.

On many sites and blogs the icons are unlabeled, and choosing the right one is problematic, as each site does different things, calls the same things different names, and struggles for dominance in the web jungle. On Truthdig we have named them Save and Share, or Share Icons.

Hop Studios, working with Truthdig, narrowed the list to eight of the most user friendly and popular Service sites. We hope that these new tools help even more people find, use and enjoy Truthdig!


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