
Rose’s Heavenly Cakes, One of the First Kindle eBooks to Have Interactive Media

A few days ago, whilst reviewing a video that our favorite client, Rose Levy Beranbaum ( had put up on her YouTube channel, I found out that her book “Rose’s Heavenly Cakes” was the first Kindle ebook published with embedded media. Exclusively on iOS devices, Rose’s book enables the users to watch built-in video clips of how-to’s and tips for baking. (And yes, it’s ironic that this Kindle book is best experienced on an iPad!)

Here’s the interview where Rose mentions her eBook, around 7 minutes and 52 seconds in (or Click here to skip directly to the part of the clip about the book):

This interactive version of the book, I think, is the ultimate version of the book, especially for a hands-on resource like this one. It is always lovely to see our clients on the cutting edge of technology.


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