
MyBCRental Integrates Google Maps

Dang, has it really been a month since I last updated this?  Ironic, because we’ve finished so many projects that I ought to have been updating this every week!

Clients can come from the oddest places.  Our landlord is a company called Sunstar Realty, and runs a Website called MyBCRental.  They wanted to add Google Maps to their sites, and couldn’t figure out how to do some of the advanced features that GMaps offers, so they contacted us.

We helped them put together a working prototype, and integrated it with their existing rental listings.  Now when you go to look for houses and apartments on their site, you have all the functionality of a Google Map at your fingertips, with cool custom icons and integrated photos of the units.  It was a short and interesting project, and I think we’ll probably end up doing more work for them.


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