
An Add-On Twofer: Deeploy Helper and Hop Inject

Last week, we released a long-awaited update to our Deeploy Helper module.  Deeploy Helper has been quite a hit; it’s a regular member of the “Favorite Add-Ons” list on  But even a good add-on can be improved.  In Deeploy Helper version 1.1.0, we added support for the photo gallery module and Brandon Kelly’s popular FieldFrame extension.  And we also added a quick search-and-replace tool, so changing a hostname sitewide can be done in one step.

But that’s not all!  We also released a brand-new plugin, Hop Inject. This plugin “injects” arbitrary text at specified points in a custom field. For example, if you wanted to add an advertisement before the 3rd paragraph tag of your blog entries, Hop Inject makes it easy.  We’re looking forward to seeing what other creative people do with Hop Inject, so let us know how it works for you.  And if you think of some way to make it even better, we’d love to hear it!

In other add-on news, we officially decommissioned our Defensio for EE add-on last week.  If you’re looking for a tool to control comment and forum spam in ExpressionEngine, we’ve been very impressed by Low’s NoSpam module.


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