
A Look Back at My Internship

A great company, that’s how I describe Hop Studios, and for me an amazing work experience. Why? well, I learned a lot by being around people who really know how to do their job, creating new alternatives to resolve problems and satisfying what their clients want to see at their websites. However those are not the only reasons. They are amazing people, with a great personality and enthusiastic.

My time at Hop Studios was short: I was only there for about three weeks. Since my first day I started to learn how the company was structured, and even though my skills at first were not that great, everybody was kind and respectful. During my first week I started to work in Expression Engine 2.5, I read a lot to get to know more about this software and how it worked. After hours hitting my head against the wall , I finally got it In my instance at Hop Studios I worked on a couple of projects of the company. I created some add-ons and plugins that will make working with EE easier for our clients and others who use EE. And it was fantastic because it helped me to understand how everything works inside a company. As a student right now , I would like to say, “Hey, come to Hop Studios they will definitely finish the job.”

Even though it was a really short amount of time for an internship, it was definitely good!! And the best part is that I worked a lot and also enjoyed it.


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